• MetroNorth Advocacy

  • Our Goal: Influence Public Policy Affecting the Business Community by...


    Advocating for businesses at the city, county, and state levels

  • Our Legislative Focuses Our Legislative Focuses

    Keeping Costs Down

    While states across the country are permanently cutting taxes, reducing regulatory burdens and addressing affordability for businesses, Minnesota is becoming a cost outlier with the enactment of numerous anti-employer policies that are driving up costs.
    The 2023 and 2024 Legislative Sessions brought costly and complicated mandates, tax increases and more regulations. Unsustainable state spending increases of more than 35% have now put Minnesota at risk for a budget deficit putting even greater strain on the private sector and the state economy. Costs matter – for employers and their employees. Many small businesses in Minnesota are seeing cost increases via mandates, tax increases, and various regulations. We want to ensure that policies do not impose excessive and/or burdensome taxes and fees on employers.

    Environmental Permitting Reform

    Businesses seek expansions outside of Minnesota due to the state’s arduous permitting process, and those that do invest here are often faced with greater uncertainty and lengthier timelines than what may be experienced in other states. Site selectors have pegged Minnesota as unfriendly on the criteria of environmental permitting, taking it off the list for potential investment. We advocate for reforms of the state's permitting processes, and believe Minnesota's environmental permitting can protect natural resources AND be reliable for businesses. The MetroNorth Chamber and the MN Chamber Federation will proactively advocate for reforms to Minnesota’s permitting process. Minnesota’s environmental permitting process can both protect the state’s cherished natural resources and produce timely and reliable outcomes for businesses; achieving this goal is one important step to help Minnesota compete in the 21st century economy.

    Educating on Workplace Mandates

    We seek to educate businesses on mandates that may affect them, ensuring they have the tools and resources they need. Similarly, we will advocate against further workplace mandates that harm the employer/employee relationship and make it more difficult, and expensive, to operate a business in Minnesota.

    Business Councils Business Councils

    Each quarter, Blaine and Coon Rapids both hold a business council meeting where business owners are updated on goings-on in their community—from developments in infrastructure to economic changes. These meetings are a great way to stay informed about your community and network with other business professionals!

    Learn more about our upcoming business councils below:

    Blaine Business Council Dates

    Coon Rapids Business Council Dates


    Strengthening relationships with North Metro policy makers

  • State of Business Program State of Business Program

    A gathering of legislators and employers to discuss all things business and business-related policy.

    See below for more information on our 2024 State of Business Program:
    There was plenty to talk about at the MetroNorth Chamber’s State of Business program, which brought together employers and government for an open and honest dialogue so that ultimately we have a stronger community in which to live and work. Employers received helpful information from representatives of DEED, DLI, MNDoT, CareerForce and SHIP. We are excited that a few of them gave us some great information via video to share! Click HERE to hear more about Paid Family and Medical Leave; click HERE to hear more about DLI; click HERE to hear more about the Reasonable Accommodation Fund.
    Kurt Zellers, CEO of the MN Business Partnership, provided his thoughts on doing business in this state. State Senators and Representatives then shared their perspectives on a variety of issues (click on the link to hear from some of them via video!). Ultimately everyone was asked to keep the dialogue going – contact your legislator, share your story with MetroNorth, and be a part of the process. Many thanks to the Courtyards of Andover for hosting, Grand Casino for sponsoring, and for everyone taking time out of their day to attend this very important dialogue. Let’s continue to work together to make the north metro the best place possible!


    See below for videos from our 2024 State of Business Program:


    Legislative Receptions Legislative Receptions

    Our annual Legislative Receptions are an opportunity for businesspeople and legislators to connect and discuss business-related policy. Attendees also hear from the Chamber on its key issues and legislative priorities.

    Take a look at some pictures from our 2024 Legislative Reception!


    Becoming an information resource on key issues

  • Upcoming Events