• Certificate of Origin

  • Certificates of origin are required by some countries. They are a signed statement as to the origin of the export item. Certificates of origin are usually validated by a semiofficial organization, such as a local chamber of commerce. A certificate may be required even if the commercial invoice contains the same information.

    MetroNorth Chamber does validate certificates of origin for Members and the general public. Please provide the following when stopping in our office to have this done:

    • Letter of Indemnity – You can use the below letter of indemnity if copied on to your company letterhead and filled out. Bring with you to the Chamber when having your certificate of origin validated. You only need to provide one letter of indemnity. It is valid going forward until you cancel it in writing.
    • Payment
      • Chamber Members no cost; this is part of your membership.
      • General public $110, includes documents validated.

    We are usually available to do certificates of origin during regular office hours, but an appointment is necessary to ensure we are available. If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, contact lori@metronorthchamber.org or call us at 763.783.3553.

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