Members of the MetroNorth Chamber have an advantage in marketing their business. Not only is the credibility of the business greatly increased by membership, the diverse marketing opportunities have a high return on investment for a very low cost.
Basic membership includes:
- Annual Resource Guide given to new residents and visitors – online and in print
- Member-to-Member Directory – given to 700+ members
- Website listing on Chamber Website which increases your SEO – 150,000+ hits per year
- Ability to share Hot Deals, Events, Press Releases, Accomplishments
- Business materials can be placed in the Chamber and in New Resident Packets
- New members receive Ribbon Cutting, welcome listing in newsletters, promo photo
Additional Marketing Opportunities:
- Sponsorships of events
- Expanded Website Listing
- Promotional materials, ads, or announcements in weekly Newsletter or Printed Newsletter
- Signature Sponsorships
- Committee Sponsorships
- *Custom Advertising Packages Available*