Referral Program
We have revamped our referral program! Current members who refer a business that becomes a member of the MetroNorth Chamber will receive a gift card to a local business (chamber, member, of course!). We’ll even bring the ‘prize box’ to them. Plus, we’ll take a photo of them and the winning card to promote on our platforms, as another way to honor them for their referral. Remember, new members mean an even stronger chamber, a louder voice when advocating for business, and more potential partners for each of you.
So, what are you waiting for? Spread the word about the MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce and start earning those gift cards!
Do you know of a business who would like to benefit from all the Chamber has to offer? Contact Holly at holly@metronorthchamber.org or call us at 763.783.3553.
Upcoming Events
Building Business. Building Community. Building Relationships.