• $500 Off Unlimited Design Plan - Skill Mammoth

    Offer Valid: 09/12/2024 - 09/12/2025
    Good Training Shouldn't Be Extinct
    Use Code METRO for $500 Off Your First Month of Skill Mammoth Infinity. 

    Buy Now | Learn More | Book a 15-minute Chat  


    The Deal: 

    Normally $2499. MetroNorth members get a discount of $500 off making the plan $1999 for the first month. 

    What can you do with Skill Mammoth Infinity? 

    • Create informational videos for customer outreach and ads
    • Build interactive calculators to drive leads to your website
    • Develop interactive scheduling tools to streamline bookings
    • Build a library of training videos for employee onboarding
    • Design engaging slide decks for client presentations
    • Create job aids and handouts for internal use
    • Build online courses to upskill your team
    • Develop instructor-led training materials for workshops
    • Create custom infographics to enhance branding
    • Design surveys to gather feedback from clients or employees

    The Subscription Includes

    • Unlimited Animated Videos
    • Unlimited Software/Process Training
    • Unlimited Slide Decks & ILTs
    • Unlimited Interactive Content
    • Unlimited Job Aids and Handouts
    • Full-Stack Design
    • Includes your Custom Branding
    • Unlimited Captioning & Accessibility
    • Pause or Cancel Anytime

    This Member To Member Deal is promoted by MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce.

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