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      Join the MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce!

      Make connections, build your business, be a part of the community.
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      All are Welcome! Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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  • Welcome to the MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce!

    As the largest Chamber in the north metro area, representing over 700 businesses and organizations, we are very proud of our efforts to build and foster workforce, economic, and community development. Together we provide a positive and dynamic environment which in turn creates a quality community for businesses, families, and students.

  • And the Winners Are...

    The 2025 MetroNorth Chamber Excellence in Business Awards Luncheon was an inspiring celebration of success, innovation, and community! 🎉 This year's event honored not just the winners but every incredible business and leader in the room. Plus, our keynote speaker, Jack Stahlmann, brought the energy, motivating us all to become a star in our profession by using the "it" factor lessons actors like George Clooney and Harrison Ford used to become superstars.

    Now, let's give a huge round of applause to this year's outstanding award winners:

    Restaurant + Beverage: Crisp & Green, Blaine

    Arts, Culture, + Entertainment: Northern Starz Center for the Performing Arts, Ramsey

    Sports + Recreation: Burn Boot Camp, Blaine

    Business + Professional Services: Archstone Workspace, Coon Rapids

    Shopping + Specialty Shopping: Cotton Patch Boutique, Coon Rapids

    Personal Care + Services: Griswold Home Care of the Greater Twin Cities, Anoka

    Family-Owned Business: Mr. Rooter Plumbing of the Twin Cities, Fridley

    Manufacturing/Trade: Aggressive Hydraulics, Cedar

    Nonprofit/Civic Organization: Meals on Wheels Anoka County, Coon Rapids

    Community Champion: Wymond Wong of Twin City Heating Air and Electric, Blaine

    Congratulations to all! Your dedication and impact make our community stronger. 🎊👏

    Help spread the cheer and celebrate with our winners by interacting with our Facebook post commemorating them!


    The MetroNorth Community Resource Guide Available to All

    The MetroNorth Community Resource Guide is a publication highlighting the many wonderful aspects of living, working, and playing in the north metro. We encourage

     everyone to  visit the MetroNorth Chamber office (9380 Central Ave NE, Blaine, MN) during normal business hours (M-Th 8-4, F 8-12) to pick up your copy – they are free to take. Also feel free to utilize this digital version. We thank the many advertisers, businesses and community partners who have supported this guide and made it possible.



    Are You an Employer?

    There are many new laws and regulations impacting Minnesota employers. We have crafted a dedicated page on our website, Business Advocacy Updates, with important updates, resources and links.


    Economic Development Updates

    There is a lot of exciting things happening in the development world in the north metro. Ground breakings for new businesses, expansions, and even some major, much needed transportation projects. For all things expansion-related, the Anoka County Regional Economic Development (ACRED) initiative, of which MetroNorth was a founding partner and current executive committee member, is your go-to resource. For an overview of main road projects, visit the Anoka County Highway Department page and/or MnDOT’s Twin Cities Regional Projects page.

    We know that one pending transportation project, the reconstruction of Hwy 65 (slated to begin in 2025), will bring a lot of questions. We have developed a specific page on our website to host updates as they become available. Please check back frequently.


    Leadership Resources

    The MetroNorth Chamber is proud to offer impactful leadership resources and programming on a variety of topics to support our businesses.

    To learn more, visit the Leadership page on our website to find details and resources.


    Free Little Leadership Library


    The MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce is proud to offer a Free Little Leadership Library. Modeled after the neighborhood Little Free Library, the Leadership Library offers a variety of leadership and business-related books and publications, available for anyone to stop by and take during office hours M-Thurs (8-4) F (8-12). 

  • Who We Are, What We Do....

    By definition, a chamber of commerce is “a local organization of businesses whose goal is to further the interests of businesses; to advocate on behalf of the business community.” Behind the definition, the MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce is a foundation of passionate people working together to strengthen relationships and our shared community. We do that by facilitating programming and events to build connections; advocating on key legislative issues; and supporting leadership and business recovery efforts in order for you to build your business.

    If you are looking for an organization where hundreds of other business professionals want to support you and this community, then look no further! We’d be happy to connect with you and discuss your goals and how the MetroNorth Chamber can help you achieve them.

    Be Our Guest! If you would like to visit our Working with Women or Sunrise program and see if we are a good fit for your business, we welcome your visit. Our staff and our Ambassadors will be there to greet you and provide you with the information you need to have a successful visit, including introducing you to other attendees and even making sure you have a place to sit. Our hospitality is second to none! We can't wait to meet you. While pre-registration is not required for either program, feel free to contact us in advance so we can answer any questions you have have, be on the lookout for you, and ensure you have the best possible experience. 

    Contact us for more information on how to get connected to our award-winning, dynamic organization!

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